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Better Blood Flow for a Better Life.
Better Blood Flow for a Better Life.
Better Blood Flow for a Better Life.
Better Blood Flow for a Better Life.
Better Blood Flow for a Better Life.
What is EECP?

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Better Blood Flow
for a Better Life

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Life Changing Benefits!

Improved Lifestyle

EECP uses a series of pressurized cuffs on the legs and buttocks to push blood back toward the heart, easing the burden on the heart and allowing it to work better. EECP also encourages the growth of capillaries that allow blood to bypass blocked arteries, reducing angina, increasing energy and mobility and improving quality of life.

EECP Therapy

Lower Cardiovascular Risk

As EECP reduces the burden on the heart, it does not have to work as hard. New collaterals function like natural bypasses, supplying more oxygen to more areas of the body with less effort, even if diseased arteries continue to deteriorate. This reduces the risk of strokes and future cardiovascular events.

For Clients

 Enhanced Athletic Prowess

Want to expand the limits of your athletic prowess? Join world class athletes who have used this safe, effective, noninvasive therapy to enhance their speed, stamina and performance. EECP can make a difference! We invite you to try a free session to see what EECP can do for you.


What is EECP Therapy?

Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) is a safe, noninvasive therapy that strengthens the heart and increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to all systems of the body. EECP promotes the growth of capillaries that are sometimes able to carry blood around narrowed or damaged arteries, reducing pain and increasing exercise tolerance. 


How does EECP Therapy work?

During EECP therapy a client lays on a padded bed with inflatable cuffs wrapped around the legs and buttocks. An EKG regulates the cuffs. Each time the muscles of the heart relax, the cuffs rapidly inflate to push blood back toward the heart. This increases the supply of oxygen to the heart, reducing its workload and easing the symptoms of distress.  

Although the FDA and Medicare initially approved EECP for the treatment of people with advanced heart disease, studies show that EECP also can be used to treat other vascular conditions, such as diabetes, ischemic stroke, erectile dysfunction, Parkinson’s, and some symptoms of Long Covid. See the research to learn more.



Results that people are experiencing

  • Reduced or Eliminated Angina
  • Increased Energy and Stamina
  • Improved Circulation
  • Improved Rest and Sleep
  • Return to Healthy Daily Activities
  • Reduced or Eliminated Medications
  • Improved ability to return to regular exercise and active lifestyle
  • Ability to avoid additional unnecessary surgeries

Revolutionary Therapy: Noninvasive Relief

EECP is considered a safe and effective method to increase blood flow to the heart. It provides most of the benefits of angioplasty, without the well known risks, and sometimes trauma, associated with stents and open heart surgery. It is perhaps the only noninvasive therapy that has been shown to improve cardio efficiency, physical stamina and a sense of well being, all of which can improve one’s quality of life,

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Our team is dedicated to providing you with the best service possible, and we promise to respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. Don’t hesitate – let us help you feel great again!
